博客來-【EarthFriendly】ECOS天然環保洗衣精(木蘭&百合花) 1478ml便宜哪裡買博客來網路書店,博客來網路書局,博客來書店,


【EarthFriendly】ECOS天然環保洗衣精(木蘭&百合花) 1478ml


  • 定價:350
  • 優惠價:299


















●#2 HDPE容器便於資源回收













ECOSR Liquid Laundry Detergent

Magnolia & Lily

Value and performance have not always been qualities of environmentally-responsible products. But, ECOS, a concentrated liquid laundry detergent provides better price performance than the competition. ECOS cleans a full laundry load with only 1.5 ounces, Can be used in front loading and HE machines.

Product Sizes:

  • 50oz, 100oz, 210oz (not Lemongrass), 5gallon and 55 gallon drum


  • Magnolia & Lillies - 100% natural anionic coconut kernel oil-based surfactant, horsetail plant, essential oils of magnolias and lilies, purified water.
  • Lavender - 100% natural anionic coconut kernel oil based surfactant, horsetail plant, essential oil of lavender (NOP Certified Organic), purified water.
  • Lemongrass - 100% natural anionic coconut kernel oil based surfactant, horsetail plant, coconut based fabric softener, essential oil of lemongrass (NOP Certified Organic), purified water.


  • Neutral pH (7-8), rarely causes irritations in customers with skin sensitivities/allergies.
  • Non-polluting/100% biodegradable/non-toxic/natural.
  • Fragrance-free variety is free of magnolia and lily oils, but still contains the coconut surfactant, lavender and rosemary
  • Made of replenishable/sustainable ingredients
  • Plant-based surfactants we use do not harm the item being cleaned, your body or the environment
  • Pleasantly scented with pure, natural, essential oils of magnolias and lilies
  • Color-safe: clothes do not discolor as easily as with other more alkaline detergents


  • use 2.0 oz per FULL load for TOP loading machines; for smaller loads adjust downward
  • use 1.0 oz per FULL load for FRONT loading HE machines; for smaller loads adjust downward
  • Competitively priced compared to natural and mainstream detergents based on #oz/load and loads/container.
  • Contains coconut-based fabric softener
  • Free of enzymes, phosphates, chlorine, and petroleum ingredients
  • Low sudsing: Great for top loading and front loading machines and hand-washing
  • Septic tank and gray-water system safe: biocompatible with a wide variety of wastewater and gray water treatment systems; doesn』t eliminate bacteria that make septic systems work efficiently
  • Easy to recycle #2 HDPE plastic containers


  • Ideal for hand-washing (esp. cold-water washing)
  • Ideal and gentle enough for baby clothes and delicate fabrics
  • Use in all temperatures
  • Suitable for all types of fabrics
  • Great for top loading and front loading machines
  • Fragrance-free is great for persons allergic/sensitive to natural oils/fragrances


  • Doesn』t irritate skin.
  • Doesn』t eliminate bacteria that make septic systems work efficiently
  • It really works
  • Safe for you and the environment
  • Non-toxic/non-polluting


Earth Friendly Products的產品以純天然植物成分製作,以植物精油及天然椰油取代了一般的人工香料和化學界面活性劑。其中完全不含對人體有害的化學成分,低過敏性的成分讓皮膚敏感的人也能安心使用。清洗後的污水具生物分解性,將廢水量降至最低,不傷害地球環境。產品符合公平貿易原則、不經動物實驗更不含動物原料。洗滌效果卓越而且價格實惠。善盡社會責任、守護我們的地球環境是Earth Friendly Products的最大宗旨。




Earth Friendly Products品牌故事

1960年代,在充滿反叛嘻皮的美國,Earth Friendly Products以生產工業用清潔劑起家。不久之後便以獨特出色的配方申請到Earth Friendly Products的第一個專利權。10年之後,當吉米翰醉克斯顛覆了搖滾樂並開始用牙齒彈吉他的時候,Earth Friendly Products也開始了劃世代的變革,他們改變經營的方針,以環保為主要的訴求。開始以純植物配方製作洗潔精,只使用再生紙作為包裝素材,而且所有產品皆不經動物實驗。替美國的環保運動揭開了新的一頁。Earth Friendly Products至今生產超過近上百種環保居家清潔用品,包括居家、廚房、浴廁、洗衣、寵物清潔等多面向的產品,伴隨著許多美國家庭成長茁壯。


  • 2011 U.S.環境保護署認可【節約模範企業】
  • 2011 Thurston County經濟發展委員會年度最佳企業;Thurston County商會指定綠色企業
  • 2010 GEELA獎—優良企業模範.
  • 2010□西岸博覽會-最佳表現獎(最佳素食者商品)2009□加入Teens Turning Green和Project Green Dorm Initiative計畫
  • 2009□加入Healthy Child, Healthy World活動
  • 2009□第二次被提名優良家庭用品獎
  • 2009□申請Green Patriot□- Green 100□商標
  • 2009□獲得Orion environmental award(獵戶座環境獎)
  • 2009□環保設計認證□(DfE環保設計)□
  • 2008□被提名優良家庭用品獎
  • 2008 Kosher- KOF-K認證(符合猶太教教義純淨商品)
  • 2008 EPA環保公約認證□(DfE環保設計)□
  • 2008 EPA- SDSI(環保清潔劑積極管理)冠軍
  • 2008 NSF(美國國家科學基金會)認證, NACMCF(全國微生物學食品標準諮詢委員會)規範, HACCP(食品危害分析重點管制系統)及最佳工業規範
  • 2007 PETA - Proggy獎--溫和清潔用品最佳系列
  • 2006□加入生物多樣性計畫-北美五大湖守護運動
  • 2005 Pet Business雜誌工業識別獎—最受歡迎及創新產品
  • 2005 Pet Business Industry鳥類健康貢獻獎(寵物籠清潔劑)
  • 2005 Clean Air Counts臭氧保護貢獻獎
  • 2003□自然產品博覽會東岸社會公益表彰優良企業
  • 2002/2003□品質管理學院(美國烹飪學院)國際金牌獎
  • 2002 Natural Home雜誌讀者票選最佳清潔產品

  • 2011 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency names Earth Friendly Products a "Wastewise Partner".
  • 2011 Thurston County Economic Development Council's New Business of the Year;Thurston County Chamber of Commerce Green Business Designation.
  • 2010 GEELA Award for Sustainable Business Practices.
  • 2010 Expo West-Best of Show Award-Best New Vegetarian Product.
  • 2009 Green PatriotTM Green 100TM Designation and the Champion level recognition from the US EPA through the Design for the Environment (DfE) Program's Safer Detergents Stewardship Initiative.
  • 2009 Partnership with Teens Turning Green, Project Green Dorm Initiative.
  • 2009 Partnership with Healthy Child, Healthy World.
  • 2009 Nominated (2nd time)for Family Owned Business Award.
  • 2009 Green Patriot□- Green 100□
  • 2009 Earth Friendly Products receives Orion environmental award
  • 2009 Design for the Environment (DfE) certification
  • 2008 Nominated for Family Owned Business Award.
  • 2008 Kosher- KOF-K certification
  • 2008 EPA-Covenant Environmental Certification (DfE)□
  • 2008 EPA-Champion of Safer Detergents Stewardship Initiative (SDSI) Award
  • 2008 Certified by NSF, Codex/NACMCF, HACCP & Best Industry Practices
  • 2007 PETA - Proggy Award-Best Line of Cruelty Free Household Products.
  • 2006 Partnership with Biodiversity Project-Great Lakes Forever Campaign.
  • 2005 Pet Business Magazine-Industry Recognition Award for the most popular and innovative product.
  • 2005 Pet Business Industry - Award for Bird Health - Aviary Cage Cleaner.
  • 2005 Clean Air Counts Award for contributions to reducing Ozone.
  • 2003 Natural Products Expo East-Socially Responsible Business Award.
  • 2002/2003 Quality Institute International (American Culinary Institute)-Gold□Performance Certificate of Distinction
  • 2002 Natural Home Magazine- Readers' Choice Awards for Best Cleaning□Products.